One more month before a new face lift of Heaven's Gift

2010 was an amazing year of creations for us. And many of our lovely couples have been asking : Hannah, when will you upload your website with new images? Yes, we have been holding back some of our updates for a while, due to project and travel schedules, and the other real reason is : we will be launching a new look on our website, in a month's time.. So look out for new "face lift" of Heaven's Gift.

Having said that, our passion and philosophy in creating your special events will always remain the same. We still strongly believe that every event is a reflection of the host, besides the planner. Every wedding we created regardless how creative and thematic it can be, it should always exude beauty and elegance, but most importantly, it should always tell Your Story..
And we look forward for more amazing stories and inspiring projects for 2011 and 2012.. Stay in touch.


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