It is Heaven's Gift...

One could imagine the extent of the setup. I love to work with great spaces and landscape. Can't deny one of the greatest challenge is to ensure all setup is completed in the midst of uncertain factor like the weather. The day before the wedding, we have to setup the tentage, carpeted the entire flooring including the stairs, the platform etc in the rain.. I still cannot imagine how much we went through to complete the setup..
According to weather report, it was supposed to rain in the morning, but it didn't. The weather was really hot and humid, by 5pm, the clouds filled the sky, and everyone around me was telling me Hannah the weather did not look good.. could we go to plan B. I remembered very clearly a voice within my heart said : Hannah, do you have faith? And I knew immediately, what to do. I asked my groom the same question, it was interesting when Faizal answered : Hannah, must I make a decision now... I simply nodded my head, and we both answered : let's go with our faith.. having all done we have created.. and let me share with you, the moment we agreed in our heart to go ahead, you literally saw the clouds moving sidewards.. we got our ceremony done under the tree with perfect weather.. and we have had the lion dancers coming down the stairs with no signs of raindrops.. and despite the clouds stayed darker later in the evening, God was so good He held the rain till we went back to the Raffles House from the dining area, and only when everyone started dancing, the rain came..
What can I say, God did it again.. it's another Heaven's Gift to me and my couples.. And the truth is all our guests witness the miracle, esp my couple and my team. Everyone had fun, I have mine as well simply watching the transformation of His wonders.