Pls trust the experts

I have been awoken up at this hour, not by sweet dreams, but by an unexpected call from a client who felt we have changed our design concept which she did not approve. And after talking for 15 mins, then she realised she was not looking at the same drawings we were talking about. It was a mis-interpretation of hers, and best of all, she has not finished looking at the rest of the other drawings before she concluded her thoughts. SIGH....

Honestly I was very disappointed, more than furious. After all the precision, and the efforts we put in, sometimes clients still do not seem to believe in us. And the way we were questioned, I often wonder how long do we need to show others what we can do, before they can simply trust us.

Yes, it is granted that wedding is once in a life time affair, and most couples are anxious of the outcome. Yet I often wish the couples could realise, we are entrepreneurs and experts who are passionate in what we do, and who has built a brand that we believe in. We are humans who have emotions like anyone.. and as experts, we do hold the responsibility of delivering what we have committed..

Lord, give me the strength and patience to continue this journey of creations in the midst of disbelief, uncertainty and doubts,.. when I look at artists like Colin Cowie, David Tuttera & Preston Bailey, I was encouraged, they must have gone thru even more than what I did.. Teach me to be wise and continue to persever.


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