Passion + Diligence + Talent + Divine Provision = Masterpieces
Just came back from a meeting with client, tho I don't usually meet clients on a Sun. Attended service on Sat night, and I had the entire Sun all to myself, surprisingly, the meeting turned out to be an inspiring one. I really believe when your mind is at rest, or rather when you discipline yourself to rest, you give room for inspiration and creations. After the meeting, I walked into the Ode to Art and found my love again on Coplu's paintings. When I first saw his pieces 2 years ago at my client's place, there was a joy that oozed out from his works. I fell in love with his works immediately, and I told myself one day I would get his painting once I have my apartment, and today I almost plunged to purchase one hmmmm....

When I was young, I often wondered how an artist would survive in the real world. I used to discuss with my CFO, and calculate how much one must make to be sufficient. Art is a difficult form to be measured by price, yet despite that thought, it doesn't stop a true artist from believing in what he or she does. Having met many artists in my industry, I have finally concluded an equation:
Passion + Diligence + Talent + Divine Provision = Masterpieces. When one excels to create his expressions/works, he will certainly touch the heart of his audience. Everyone of us has our own world of audiences regardless whether we are aware of them or not. I used to think only people who knew me will read my blog, then I realised that there are

many strangers I have yet befriended who are actually reading my blog. Each of us will draw our own audiences, because human beings want to be connected, to seek a connection.
In a month's time, I am going away for my own retreat in Europe, and it has been a long awaited one for me. Despite having travelled much in my events, business trip is never the same as leisure trip, esp when you want to do nothing in the trip but just merely discovering the world around you. This time, I have weeks to myself.. how refreshing!
This year will be a very interesting year for HG, when I saw the projects on hand, I was reminded: God, you literally answered my prayers so specifically. I asked for projects that will be extraordinary, stories that are amazing to share, and ones that I will see a leap in our creations, but most of all, ones we will get to see His supernatural inspirations and provisions. Interestingly, in past 3 months, I have met quite a few couples, and have had chemistry with many, but somehow, only those that are meant to be ours, we manage to close, others, we often heard this closing statement from them "Hannah, we love your works, and we have heard much good reviews from many in the industry about you, but...".
In the past, I would question myself when I received such responses: Why Hannah, why didn't we get that project? But somehow this year, I have a perfect peace that resides within my heart, I am reminded : Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen. We shall see at the end of 2012, what will be the outcome of my asking. For one thing I am sure, our God is faithful and He answers prayers!
Tomorrow, I will take out my brushes and paint... a great way to start a new day...