Thank you... my beloved brides.
It took me a while to share what I am going thru in my last blog post.. After last week's new post, I was touched with unexpected kindness and gestures. An old florist of mine sent me a basket of lovely arrangement, the choice of flowers were the exact range of flowers I often love working with her..Thank you Jane, all these little thoughts mean a lot to me.

The week was filled with encouragements from my ex-brides and new brides... When Linda reminded me "I don't think God gave you your gift just so you can plan beautiful weddings. I think He meant for you to do greater things, one of which is to touch the lives of others whom you may otherwise never meet in your daily life. But through weddings, through your interaction with different people, you become a messenger..."
Yes, I am a life of His grace. My blog has always been my bouncing board for reflections and records of how the Lord has brought me through in my journey as a wedding planner. And yet at the same time, I am reminded as I am a blessing to others, my brides have also become a blessing to me. When a client is more than a deal closed; a wedding showcase presented... you are often God's gifts for me... Despite my blunt honesty of who I am, how I feel at this juncture of my life, you simply accept me as who I am, and stand by me..and I am grateful...
Beloved brides and friends, thank you for every moment you have shared and will share with me. It once again reminded me I am blessed, very blessed.. This verse came to my mind " We know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose. "