Happy Spring Cleaning & Happy Father's Day!!!
Yesterday was hilarious, my entire team had a dramatic office spring cleaning experience, we threw away many many past copies of wedding stationeries, old magazines and raw materials (we really have accumulated so much materials). Next we have our office fumigated literally for 4 hrs to drive away any possibility of pests... and soon we will have all our cabinets organised once again to be ready for our 8th year of operations.

As our level 2 office was fumigated, we ended up sitting at level 1 showroom on the rug & sofa to continue our work. I can't wait to finish the unloading and packing of materials, 7 years of past materials, there are so much to clean up. Yet at the same time in our cozy corner, myself and team were kinda enjoying rolling up the beads, cutting the ribbons for next week's wedding...Somehow, this whole spring cleaning is a good exercise, I looked through some of the past works and designs and saw how we have evolved. I started as a planner who loves floral arrangement and handicraft to now a company that loves concepts and enjoys designing sets. I still miss those intricate handwork, and maybe this is why we are still designing our own wedding stationery.. We have grown and evolved.. but somethings within us still have not changed - as we were chatting briefly what inspired us to be in this job, we came to a conclusion : there's a part in us just really love weddings and be a helper in weddings.. and being ladies, we still love to roll up our sleeve and do the girlish thing - sewing, tying, and packing can sometimes be therapeutic haha...
After part 1 of spring cleaning, I have a good dinner with family celebrating Father's Day.. We had Taiwanese porridge at Oasis.. munching the

good old dishes with sweet potato porridge brought back much memories - the good old times, and finally ended the night with my family for a movie - KungFu Panda 2. Pastor was right, our family and the people around us are God's sent, God's gift from Heaven. They make us who we are. No matter how different we are, how time has changed us, our family will always be God's tools to mold us, to shape us. Thank God for all our parents, and particularly today, for our fathers. Thank you all daddies out there, you help us to catch a glimpse of who our Heavenly Father is. Happy Father's Day...