Stay Healthy, Stay Cheerful... and Dream Always

But I was glad she was optimistic, because deep in us, we know our lives are in the hands of God.
I prayed for her, and on my way back, I told myself, Hann, nothing was more impt than your health and happiness.. We can work our hearts and bodies out for our career, for passion or to survive, but what remains is still back to our happiness, and health enables us to enjoy treasure it...
My brides often want to lose weight to stay pretty for the weddings, I can understand why... but I often will say to them "Pls stay healthy.. you look great just as you are..." and I am telling myself too.. Hann, eat healthy, stay healthy and learn to let go... let go of your daily burdens, duties, ambitions, obligations, and even your dreams.. and let Him prove to you that He's your provider, the one who makes all things beautiful in His time.. so don't over stretch yrself... or allow others to stretch you too... anyway, so much abt health talk..
I just replied to an email for a luncheon invitations for all wedding planners in Singapore... I kinda look forward to see the players here.. you can see them as yr competitors, but I really hope to discover more friends than the former... afterall the market is big enough for all.. and may all realise that.