Ead dropped by today to pass me some pictures, and a simple cute remark he made (I paraphrased) "Hey, you designed a big wedding last week, shot by KC... how come I do not get to shoot such setup, so jealous...."
Sorry Ead, photographers are chosen by couples.. but I am certain you are in my preferred list of photographers.. so don't worry, you will get that opportunity...

I went quickly to check on the pictures taken by KC in his blog... and I have to say, those pictures made my day. And to large extent, I do love details shot.. and contrary to what local photographers' feel, details shot does further show the capabilities of one photographer from another..Billions of dollars are spent globally on good wedding details and lots of magazines and editorial publishers spent time to search for these... Besides, couple spent so much on these, which separate their wedding from another.
I will conclude, whether it is detail or people shots, all these make up a beautiful wedding, so fair share of emphasis should be put on it.. my 2 cents worth.
I guess it's the different philosophy we have in approaching weddings (esp details) that excluded me from being your "preferred" photographer, ha ha!
I know magazines and editors scour the globe to look for these shots....and I admire photographers who can shoot these details beautifully, but at the end of the day, i tell myself: I am not shooting for magazines.
Readers, after seeing these pics in magazines, expect photographers to replicate them, much like how our sense of beauty (think stick-thin models) are shaped by the media (I hate myself for being fat).
I'm quite anti-trend. I am quite anti-alotofthings.
But 15 minutes is all I've got (to shoot the details).
I think you missed out my conclusion note : Both details and people shots make up a beautiful wedding.. so equal emphasis should be given. Then again, I am a wedding planner, and not a photographer, so our eyes are different.
And we are all entitled to our comments :) As long as our client is happy, our job is complete, isn't it!!!
BTW, you are wrong abt my choice, you are still one of the preferred list of photographers.. I don't have many... and I only recommend selected ones from WPN.. (and we are talking abt only 7 of them max...)look out for my new website launching next month..You are definitely one of them...:)
as long as our clients are happy, our job is done!
We love Hannah for her eye in fussing over the details that we may otherwise have missed out (Note: Potential couples, her strength is really in conceptualizing concepts)
And we love KC Wong for his knack in capturing human emotions. Spontaneity is his forte (sorry KC..to have made you take so many "posed" group photos for us..:P)
Thanks guys, the whole team did a FABULOUS job! Can't wait for the photos and videos to be out!
- KC (Yeo) and Linda
I was surfing your website and came across these pictures. And i must say the decor is truly beautiful! Out of curosity, how big a budget is required to create a decor like this? (I am getting married next yr, hence scouting around for some inspiration) :)
Wedding decor for large size weddings like 60 and above tables wlll usually end up pretty huge.. mainly there are many tables.. so for instance, a good nice table centerpieces will cost at least $300 X 60 = $18K & above.. so by the time you add up the stage and aisle or extra.. the amount is always bigger than a small wedding of 100 pax..