My heart may not understand, but God knows what's best for me...

I will be flying off in 6 hours' time.. and yet my mind is fully awake, I just could not sleep.. somehow my mind is back to the active mode again, and I know it is an indication that God is preparing me for something which my mind cannot comprehend... something I require faith to venture into.
These past few months has been a trying time for me... nobody really knows nor understands what went through my heart and mind, but I know I need to press on, and believe all things happened for a purpose beyond my limited human mind.. and I know God is preparing me for something I have yet to understand nor even envision. It is so strange, the verse "Faith is the substance hope for, the evidence not seen", just kept ringing in my spirit.
Just as I am writing my thots in this blog, a small little voice speaks :
- Hann, trust God, He knows what He is doing, the journey ahead may seem uncertain, but it is a sure step to fulfill His promises in you and thru you, and He will fulfill the very dreams you have had for long
- Hann, stop listening to all the lies around you, it's time to shake off those dust and spread your wings and mount up your wings like eagles, it's time to soar above the distractions that try to hold you back..
- Hann, rest in the Lord, the battle belongs to the Lord, what the enemy meant it for evil, He will turn it for good for His name's sake..
Yes Lord, 7 yrs ago, I have the same fear but You have shown yourself faithful these 7 years.. and I know you will perfect what You have begun in us...