2006 - Much to be thankful for...

Last night was great... did not expect the good turn up for the cell party, despite of my late invitations. Many visited my office for the first time, and all loved the place.. Looking back, this office was truly a blessing. Usually in such gathering, everyone was busy with the food, casual chit chat and bla bla bla...
We celebrated Colleen's birthday too.. and as usual, I believe she was not surprised. But it was during that moment, I felt to do something different. why not have everyone shared something they are thankful for for 2006... I was glad I did that.. as different ones began to share how God has been good and faithful to them, beyond that short testimony, we knew and understood the journey that was taken between those words...
Yes 2006 has been a blessed year for me.

I started this year with a level of apprehensiveness, with a level of duties overloaded. We moved into this new office, just recruited a new team, and was given a new role to co-assist Pastor in Touchkids/Children worship. It was basically a new move for every part of my life, new office, new strategy, new team, new church premise. Everything was new, except one thing was not new : God is always faithful..

What can I thank Him for 2006?? Lots, and Lots, and Lots...

  1. My Grandma received Christ and was baptised at the age of 83 yrs old.. PTL!! Today, I saw her grow, from me fetching her weekly to her comfortably going to church herself thru church coaches.. I am so thankful. Granny is one person I love dearly above many.. and the day she was baptised, I teared. From a complaining naggy Granny to one that becomes optimistic and so cheerful. This was my greatest miracle for 2006.
  2. Thank God for my ministry. Each week with the children brings such new strength and passion for me to serve these children. All the crazy and sometimes seemingly silly dancing and jumping up on stage was worth it all, whenever you saw the enthusiastic responses from the children. From a period they were simply bored watching you to a period they dance and sing along with you for Him. Besides Touchkids, I am grateful for an understanding cell.. Often me as the leader was always so busy with people's weddings, I hardly have time for my members.. but they were so supportive beyond my understandings. And this year, we grew to love one another even more.
  3. Thank God for Heaven's Gift. It was a year of humbling, a year of steep learnings.. yet a year of great provisions and pleasant surprises.. every step I saw His hand leading me closer to my dreams. I have to say, this was the year I grow to love serving my brides esp the later part of the year... from all their paranoid journeys, to the day each of them was transformed to be the bride to be.. I was honoured to be a part to see their dreams come true. Whenever I see the Heaven's Gift today, I am grateful... Every wedding given was truly a blessing.. a discovery of who I am, and what He can do thru me.
  4. Finally, I thank the lover of my soul... without Him, I will not be who I am today...fr a woman who wants all her rights to one who simply learn to surrender... Afterall, He knows what He's doing.. and I just keep trusting and hanging onto Him for greater journey ahead.


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